My how this topic trends
often on various social media platforms!
First, let’s
start with a little opposition.
Shayla's Top Four
(Not-Good-Enough) Reasons for Using Technology in Education:
1] Because “it’s cool and the popular kids teachers
are using it.”
2] Because someone insists.
3] Because “it’s there.”
4] Just to use technology in education
Now, let’s list:
Four Really Good
Reasons Why We Should Use Technology in Education
1] Facilitate active engagement
2] Meet specific and
varying learning needs
3] Facilitate collaborative
problem solving
4] Provide authentic
learning environments
Then, let’s make
this often misunderstood point:
Teachers sharing their content via technology does not
constitute technology integration, but teachers’ interactive use of technology “to
improve learning, productivity, and performance” does.
Remaining points:
Computer use and the Internet add new values to the
educational situation by increasing technological literacy and fostering 21st
century skills.
Should we avoid
dependence on computers in our educational system? Have we avoided dependence
in our careers and everyday lives? I have not. Suffice to say, I am not alone. Fortunately,
not every lesson, nor assignment, requires the use of technology. Therefore, to
do so would be overkill. Avoidance is not the answer. Balance is key.
Is there an
end-point to the usefulness of emerging technology? Innovation knows no limits;
Seems to be no end in sight.
What fears or
uncertainties do you have? Hmm…back to too much dependency on technology,
maybe? Ha! Enough to avoid it? For me the answer is "No way!" I am having the ‘techie’ time of my
How about you?